Sunday 11 August 2013

Life of Jesus Christ

Jesus of Nazareth was a Galilean Jew born at the beginning of the first century. He was born during a time when the Roman Empire was in power and was controlling Jewish provinces. What is known about Jesus’s life is derived from the four gospels in the New Testament.

The gospels say that Jesus was born to Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem. Jesus’s birth was a miracle and he was born to a virgin mother, the gospels say that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit in Mary’s womb. Jesus spent his childhood in Galilee, the gospels say he began to work as a carpenter as he grew older.

The gospels go on to tell the story of Jesus’s baptism, performed by John the Baptist, after which a voice from Heaven says that Jesus is my son and the Holy Spirit comes down to Jesus. After this Jesus begins his ministry, and he appoints twelve apostles. Jesus and his apostles then go on to teach and preach about the Kingdom of God. During this time Jesus also performed many miracles that proved his divinity to his followers. But these miracles also caught the attention of others, those that are against his teachings and these men plot to kill Jesus.

At the Last Supper, the last time that Jesus and his 12 apostles are all together before his death, Jesus predicts that one of his apostles will betray him. In the gospels the betrayer is said to be Judas, Judas identifies Jesus, by kissing him, to a group of Jewish priests and who arrest him and put him on trial. They accused Jesus of claiming to be the King of Jews and take him to Roman governor Pontius Pilate to judge him. Pilate finds Jesus not to be guilty but then put Jesus, along with another prisoner, in front of a crowd and gives them the power to choose which prisoner gets released. The gospels say that the Jewish priests convince the crowd to choose the other prisoners and Jesus is sent to be crucified.

The Last Supper - Leonardo Da Vinci

Judas's Betrayal

After Jesus is crucified and dies he is buried in a tomb, the gospels say that one week after the crucifixion Jesus’s tomb is found empty and he has been resurrected. Jesus then appears to the disciples with messages for them, and before he ascends to heaven he tells them to spread his teachings to the world. 

Jesus's crucifixion

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