Holy Matrimony is a ritual done to take the relationship of man and women and join them as husband and wife, together as one flesh. The catholic and orthodox Christians believe this ritual as sacrament whereas Protestants believe it to be fundamental to faith. Marriage is spoken of throughout the bible and The New Testament speaks against the sins related to marriage such as adultery. According to the New Testament sex before marriage is frowned upon and viewed as a form of adultery when committed outside the sacred institution of marriage, and is labelled as a sin of fornication.
The role of the man and wife in the marriage according to the Christian faith vary among the three principle groups. Where Christian egalitarianism believes that both the man and women have an equal status in both the family and the church, however Biblical patriarchy prescribes a more male-dominated hierarchical structure in marriage. Biblical patriarchy believe that the Holy Trinity, and god was revealed as a “HE”, and therefore it’s the woman’s role to obey the head of her house, the husband.
Divorce is something, which is frowned upon among Catholics, and even though individuals may legally be divorced, as long as they remain living they are seen as married in the eyes of the church. Catholics consider the vows taken in front of god sacred and binding. However, Protestant churches are more accepting of divorce and remarriage.
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